No Pain… Alot To Gain

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The Natural High

Everyone has heard the phrase, ‘No Pain, No Gain!’ Some may even have had it shouted in their face while pushing out that last set. It means that by pushing yourself in a workout session or working hard at anything in fact, without pain there will be no gain. If you don’t hurt you’re not working hard enough. But the phrase ‘No Pain, No Gain’ might not be as accurate as we think.

Ok, so we know Endorphins are chemicals in our body produced by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus that have the ability to suppress pain. So what does that mean for us?

When the body experiences pain the brain reacts by telling the hypothalamus to release endorphins so that the pain we are experiencing diminishes. Therefore, by working hard in a training session or doing physical activity so that you’re pushing your body to the limits, over the…

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One thought on “No Pain… Alot To Gain

    Endorphins: The Natural High said:
    October 28, 2013 at 12:30 am

    Hi Video Gains! Thanks for re blogging my post. I appreciate you’re engagement with my blog and hope that your readers can get something out of it.
    Thanks for sharing
    The Natural High

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